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TASK 1 -

Take TWO of the career tests linked below.  Please answer the questions honestly with your personality, interests, and preferences in mind.  At the end of each test, make a note on paper the two jobs that sounded most interesting or most appealing from your results.


This test has about 60 questions and will provide your career results at the end with no questions/email needed.

This 15 question test asks you to choose images based on your preferences to make suggestions about future careers that match your answers.

This 35 question test will ask for your age and an email address at the end in order to see your results.

TASK 2 -

Choose the TWO jobs/careers that sound most interesting to you from your test results and visit the following link to see what math will be needed in those jobs/careers. Take notes for each job on your paper.

Hint: You may have to think about the field of work rather than the specific job to find your information!

TASK 3 -

Using a piece of paper or Google Docs, write a letter to your future self about what you learned today. If you are handwriting your letter, please turn in to Mrs. Blakemore, if you are typing your letter in docs, please share with Mrs. Blakemore.  


Include in your letter the following paragraphs of information to your future self:

  • Opening greeting and salutation

  • In the Employability Skills Survey (the paper/pencil survey), which area/s did you score the highest in?  Which areas did the survey reveal you might need to work on the most to prepare you to be the best candidate for the job you want in the future? 

  • What career/s the online tests indicated would be a good match for you?

  • How you feel about the results of the career tests?  Do you agree with the jobs you were matched to in the test results? Why or why not?

  • Has your opinion of how important math will be to your future changed as a result of this activity? Why or why not?  

  • Closing and salutation

Click Evaluation in the navigation bar above to view the rubric that will be used to score your letter.

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